Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas decorations are NOT practical with 3 cats in the house....

The bad news: The cats destroyed the Christmas Tree
The good news: I got some great photos of the tree before the cats destroyed it (see last post).

I don't know what they do while we aren't here, but branches are definitely going in directions that they were not originally.  The evidence:

Full shot of the "hot mess" 

Close up of the damage... notice Meredith lying all innocently in the background.

Yup... no more bow on that gift.  Apparently the cats cannot read because it says "DO NOT TOUCH."

I suppose it could be worse.  It sort of adds character right?  No? OK. Well we do plan to trim the branches on the bottom that are sticking straight down before the whole family arrives on Christmas day! While we're on the subject of the cats, here are a few shots of them recently:

Meredith lounging on the couch.

Sam looking super unimpressed with Nathan.

Meredith "helping" me plan Christmas dinner (more on this later)!

I know what you're thinking... "where the heck is Bubba?"  Recently Bubba has been a wee bit camera shy.  We (and by we I mean I) think he may be having an identity crisis, but he refuses to talk to us (and by us I mean me) about it. We I will keep you updated. 

I know I've completely lost it, but if you had the day I had you'd understand my madness! 

Love Always,
The 24 Year Old Crazy Cat Lady

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