Tuesday, January 16, 2018

If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart.

First, insert clever line here about how I haven't blogged in years.  Ok, moving on.

The "New Year" has had me doing a lot of reflecting.  To do a very brief recap of my life:  I now have 3 beautiful (and demanding) children; E, I and O.  Go ahead and sing the song in your head, you know you want to.  "Old McGodin had a farm, E-I-E-I-O."  It's actually more like a zoo than a farm, but at least we don't have to worry about being bored.  They are each two years apart.  E is five, O is three and a half and I is one and a half.  They are my purpose in life for sure, even if it does seem to be chaos 98% of the time.

Back to the "reflecting."  I just finished a book called "Chasing Slow," by Erin Loechner.  This book is about so much and is so incredible, but if I have to sum it up in a few sentences I'll try.  In Erin's words, "This book is about slowing down, about stripping the excess, about refusing to amass in a world that shouts for more." For me it was also about accepting yourself, gratitude and being happy with what you have.  It's about not needing "things" to make your life better.  This is going to sound a bit dramatic, but this book changed my life.  How many times have I bought something because I thought it would make me a different person.  If I buy hiking boots that will make me an outdoor person, right?  If I buy these new sneakers they will turn me into a runner. Spoiler alert, they didn't.

I've been hearing all about how people like to come up with a "word" for the New Year.  I will admit I thought that sounded a bit too trendy for me, but then I started thinking about it.  The more I thought about it, the more I liked it.  I've decided that my word for 2018 is "Acceptance." I'm going to try so hard to accept myself and stop being so hard on myself.  I'm going to accept my life for how it is instead of wishing for bigger and better. Seriously, I have a pretty wonderful life.  I look around and I am one of the lucky ones.  I have a husband who loves me, three healthy children who I love more than I can explain, a beautiful home, wonderful friends and family.  Why on earth would I wish for more than that? Just be happy, Brandi.  Be grateful. Just be.

I think that blogging and getting my feelings out is going to be one way to help me do that.  It will also help keep me sane because if we're being honest here, I feel like I should be in a straight jacket most of the time. What will the blog be about? Life.  There will probably be a lot about parenting and kids because that's my life, but I'm sure there will be a bunch of other stuff thrown in there.  So, welcome back.  Thanks for coming and stay tuned.

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