Monday, October 31, 2011


As I'm sitting here on Halloween night eating the candy that's left because we had NO trick or treaters i'm feeling a bit sad.  I love Halloween.  I love dressing up and I usually plan my costume months in advance.  That being said, this year I have failed.  I feel like I'm not into the young bar scene anymore, and by that I mean that I do not want to dress up as a sexy mouse, bunny, cop(been there), firefighter etc.  I want to dress up in something FUN, but the venue for this sort of thing doesn't really exist here. Nathan and I "dressed up" as loggers this year which basically meant that we wore plaid. Insert long droned woooooo here.

In past years our apartment was on the busiest trick or treating street in town.  We had hundreds of kids.  I used to dress up and hand out candy and I genuinely enjoyed myself.  Our new house: on a dead end street with no kids.  All these things have lead to a very low key Halloween this year. In an attempt to feel more in the spirit I'm going to post some photos of past Halloween costumes:

That's me-- Rockstar Barbie-- in the center :)
The group costume from junior year in High School-- we took 1st place!
Sophomore year of college (please see the sexy cop comment from above)

I was a Fembot from Austin Powers the next year:

 That year I was also a Butcher:

The cast of the board game Clue:
Colonol Mustard, Miss Scarlett, Mr. Green, Mrs. White

Ohhhh... that kind of biker.

 We thought: well our friends all think we're old anyway....

This year:

Next year.... I will most certainly be dressing up!!!!

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