About Me

I'm Brandi.  My husband, Nathan, and I were married in September, 2010 in Northern Vermont. We have been in our charming Farmhouse built in 1900 for almost 7 years now. We are possibly the oldest young couple you'll ever meet. We (especially Nathan) are quite fond of the "good ole days" which just so happen to be waaay before either of us were born. 

We have three children: E, I and O.  I am a stay at home Mom to these three crazy, funny, amazing little nuggets who are ages 5, 3.5 and 1.5.  To say there is never a dull moment would be an understatement.  

Here's what I wrote about blogging back in 2012 (ish) when I first started:  "I decided to give blogging a try a while back but lacked the direction.  Since then I've become a huge addict fan of the blog Young House Love.  They are such an inspiration that I decided to give it another go.  I still don't have a complete "theme," but decided I can mix between the work we're doing on our new home, my passion for crafting and my new found love of photography (especially of the little munchkin).  Don't worry: we won't forget to include some killer posts about our Cat Clan." 

Since 2012 a LOT has happened.  I am still a huge fan of Young House Love, though they don't blog every day now.  I still listen to their podcast every week.  I can say there will probably be a lot about parenting in this blog because that's what I do every day.  We're also really into gardening and all things homemade.  We will just wait to see how this evolves, but I'm excited to get back into things.  

Thank you for stopping by!

Photo by our amazing friend Kiera Place